Giving to the LAC

Giving to the LAC
The Latin American Centre just celebrated 50 years of achievements. Thanks to all the work of our fellows, students and alumni, we have contributed to setting the research agenda on Latin American Studies in the UK and abroad. We have also participated in policy debates over the years and contributed to building strong bridges between Europe and Latin America.
We are now looking towards another fifty years of success with all your help. We want to support our students, maintain our intellectual community, develop new fields and expand our strong links to Latin America. We count on your support for all these tasks and hope we can engage more actively with alumni and others interested in our work in the future. In particular, we have the following funding priorities.
- The Malcolm Deas Fund. Created in celebration of the Centre’s 50th Anniversary, it aims to ensure excellence in research, teaching and policy impact. In particular, we will use the resources you donate (which we hope to renew annually) to fund travel and research grants for students, lectures, conferences and workshops. You can find a summary of the projects that have been funded so far here. Please donate here.
- Students fellowships. We are also hoping to get major contributions to fund scholarships for our MSc and MPhil programmes. They will give us the opportunity to attract the best graduate students, particularly from Latin America. We already benefit from CAF-Development Bank of Latin America, which provides two scholarships per year, but we are looking to increase the number of scholarships we can offer. Your contribution would be fully recognised. Please contact the Director or the Administrator of the Latin American Centre if you would be interested in contributing.
- Post-doctoral fellowships. We are also looking for funding to support one, two and three-year post-doctoral fellowships. They will allow us to attract outstanding academics who will undertake high quality, specialized research; contribute to the life of the Latin American Centre and the whole university; and support our teaching program. Their stay in Oxford would be a unique opportunity for them to enhance their research, teaching and policy skills—and thus benefit their country or origin when they get back. Please contact the Director of the LAC if you are interested in supporting us in raising funds for this endeavour.
- The Chair in Latin American History. The History of Latin America is a field of the highest priority for St Antony’s College, the Latin American Centre, the History Faculty and the University of Oxford, for without it the United Kingdom will lose a significant part of its capacity to understand the region and its place in the world for research, teaching and contributing to the public debate. We are actively working on the endowment of the Chair by a donor, or group of donors, which will secure the teaching and research of the region in perpetuity and allow Oxford to continue attracting world class scholars in a vital area of study.
- The Oxford Latin American History Seminar, launched in Michaelmas Term of 2013, is aimed at encouraging the study of the history of Latin America at Oxford University. It offers a regular venue for those interested in the understanding of the region’s past, its connections with global history and its implications for other disciplines in the humanities and the social sciences. The seminar is primarily intended as a forum to discuss research in progress by lecturers, students and visiting fellows alike - it particularly encourages the participation of colleagues outside Oxford, within and outside the United Kingdom. The seminar hosts a yearly event on Chilean History, jointly organized with the Centro de Estudios de Historia Política at the Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez; and regularly holds joint events with the Rothermere American Institute. It also holds joint events with the Sub-Faculty of Spanish and an ‘Interdisciplinary Dialogue Series’. The seminar regularly meets at the Latin American Centre in St. Antony’s College. If you would like to donate to the Latin American History Seminar please see the Latin American Centre Giving Form below. Please visit the LAC YouTube channel to watch recordings of the Oxford Latin American History Seminar virtual events.
Acknowledging contributions
We would like to acknowledge gifts and donors that have enriched the intellectual life of the Latin American Centre's students and staff over the past year. Many thanks to all of you for your support.
CAF-Latin American Development Bank
Crawley Prize: Our alumnus Andrew Crawley has provided funds to allow us to award prizes for the best MPhil thesis and MSc dissertations for the last few years.
Guido Di Tella Memorial Lecture: Nelly Di Tella, widow of Guido Di Tella, has made a contribution to the Latin American Centre and St Antony's College to support an annual lecture on Latin America. Malcolm Deas gave the inaugural lecture on 25 October 2013 at the Nissan Lecture Theatre at St Antony's College. In Hilary Term 2015 Prof John King delivered the Second Annual Guido Di Tella Memorial Lecture. In the early weeks of Trinity Term 2016, the LAC was delighted to host Dr Juan Alberto Fuentes Knight, who gave the third annual Guido di Tella Memorial Lecture. On 9 May 2017 Professor Catalina Smulovitz delivered the fourth annual Guido di Tella Memorial Lecture.
Mattos Filho: Donation from Mattos Filho Advogados to the Brazilian Studies Programme has provided funds to allow us to continue to offer our Annual Brazilian Studies Conference free of charge to all attendees.
Rio Branco Fellowship