Oxford Latin American Graduate Seminar Series Michaelmas Term 2020. Week 2


Graduate Seminar. Olga Patricia Velasquez Ocampo, University of Oxford   

“Mobilizing as Mothers Against Violence: The case of the Mothers of the Candelaria in Medellin, Colombia”



If you wish to join the seminars, please contact emilie.curryova@sant.ox.ac.uk  and we will register you in our Teams platform or access the event directly here to join.



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Olga Patricia Velasquez Ocampo, holds a Bachelor of Laws from EAFIT University in Colombia, an LL.M. from Los Andes University, and an MPhil in Latin American Studies from the University of Oxford. Her research focuses on law and gender, social movements, and legal theory.












farid samir benavides

Discussant: Farid Samir Benavides, Deputy Justice, Colombia's Special Jurisdiction for Peace

Lawyer, philosopher and political scientist. Professor at the Catholic University of Colombia in Bogota. He has more than 20 years of experience working on transitional justice and has published widely on that topic. He was Colombia’s Vice-Minister of Justice and he is currently Deputy Justice at the Colombian Special Jurisdiction for Peace.